Thursday, March 15, 2018

Webinar: “Encouraging physical activities in preschoolers”

First of all, webinars are live web-based videos conferences that use the internet to connect the ones hosting the webinars with all the people that have access to such web from all over the world.The webinar I attend, which is titled “Encouraging physical activities in preschoolers”, is the first webinar I’ve ever attended.The professor presenting this webinar made it clear to us that we, as adults, are scared of children to get hurt when moving, playing... However, the truth is that if playing, moving, or doing any activity is not safe, it is the fault of the adults.He told us and showed us the different techniques that can help us as teachers or adults to guide the students locomotor movement and physical activities. Dr.  Steve Sanders defined for us the meanings of: "Walk, Run, Jump, Leap, Hop..." and he pointed to us the importance of travelling, more than just moving but also as a physical activity that strengthen both physical and mental muscles. He talked especially about the importance of travelling skills, chase, flee, and dodge.Dr. Steve highlighted several tag games, as: "Name tag, Tunnel tag, High 5 tag, High 10 tag, Fist tag". He talked in details and clearly about these tag games and about their rules, and he even showed us one way to play this game. After Dr. Steve described clearly "Jumping and Landing", "Walking", "Marching", "Running"... he talked about the importance of cues in order to practice locomotor skills, which are short phrases or words that focus learner on the critical elements of the skill to be practiced. Cued help the children to do the skill better. However, he said that we should focus on one cue at a time. He also gave samples of cues, as dodging cues, cues for chasing... Finally, Dr. Steve put several points to follow in presenting locomotor activities to young children:-Practice every day.-Set boundaries.-Demonstrate the cues for each skill.-Place children in a variety of situations so they can practice in different contexts.


  1. There's no doubt that locomotor skills are essential for preschoolers. Not only they become autonomous, but also physical activity at young age has a great effect on their social and pedagogical abilities. Tag game is one of the best activities can be used with young learners but first must be organized in the appropriate way.

  2. Giving the students the opportunity to do physical activities with their teacher and classroom members has a great effect socially and physically, students will be more flexible and energetic rather than being lazy from a young age.

  3. I really liked the topic of this webinar since I feel the same when dealing with my Kg2 students.I'm always afraid that someone will fall or bump into his friends and get hurt. At the same time, I believe that children at this stage specifically need to move a lot and enjoy their time at school. Nice one

  4. physical activities is important for all bodies due to its great effect so giving the students the time to practice and do physical activities is good for both mental and body which reflects positively on learning



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