Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"While Reading Questions"

This Post is related to the "WebQuest Lesson" we made (With Sarah EL Hage). The next questions are "While Reading Questions", Which the students are going to access through my blog and answer them. Moreover, these questions include a link attached to them, which helps the students answer them, again through online accesses. 

"While reading, answer the following questions:
VII) Through clicking on the attached link, find out the meanings of difficult words. 
VIII) Using the internet, find out the meanings of the internet slang language which cannot be found in the dictionaries.
You can do so through simply "Googling" these expressions." 

If you ever had the time or wanted to check the "WebQuest Lesson", the following link will give you the chance to do, and it will be my pleasure!
Link for the "WebQuest Lesson": 

1 comment:

  1. All true! There's no doubt that social media has made all the world look like a small village connected together. But for teens, Facebook has become the most useful network tool in which most of times they are using it inappropriately and randomly. For some reason, they go live on Facebook and on the moment they commit suicide. Parents MUST be aware of what's going on inside their childern's phone and control the dominance of social media on their the time as a whole. Educationally, teachers SHOULD orient students work on social media for better such as giving them helpful websites and safe applications before drastic endings occur.



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